Friday, 18 July 2008

(Waiting for) The Dark Knight

This film has so much hype, and frankly it looks awesome. Everything is looking good for it, from the gritty realism of 'Batman Begins', to the late Heath Ledger's astounding (or so I'm told) performance as the Joker. And let's not forget Christian Bale, one of the best actors around today. A proper method actor who puts his heart and soul into his work.

But... I know people in Australia who have already seen 'The Dark Knight', I think it comes out either today or tomorrow in most of the U.S., yet us faithful fans in Britain, we have to wait until next Thursday! A whole week in which I can avoid any internet article or otherwise that mentions the subject, while the rest of the world tells each other how good it was.

Yes, I know some countries like Denmark and such don't get it for weeks, but I don't care about them. I care about me.

Pfft, I'm gonna go and watch 'Batman Begins'.

Edit: And to those select few who think they know best and tried to ban this film as an insult to the memory of Heath Ledger - Fuck you.

The man was a great actor. Sure, he made mistakes, and it was tragic that he left a young child. But the last thing an actor would want after their death is for one of their greatest performances; a project they put blood, sweat and tears into, the would-be 'Swan-song' of their career, to be banned.

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